2023 Fishing Regs (click)
River flows All Calif River flows (click):
Before going fishing, check river status by calling the DFW River Closure Hotline. If the river is near low flow closure, they can close it between normal updates.
Hot lines:
River flows All Calif River flows (click):
Before going fishing, check river status by calling the DFW River Closure Hotline. If the river is near low flow closure, they can close it between normal updates.
Hot lines:
- North coast: (707) 822-3164 (Eel River, Mad River, Mattole River, Redwood Creek, Smith River and Van Duzen River stream closures)
- Central coast: (707) 944-5533 (Sonoma, Marin, Napa counties - covers Russian, Gualala, Napa Rivers stream closures)
- South central coast: (831) 649-2886
When the mouth is open, NAVD88 gauge height normally varies with the tides between 3-8 feet. When it goes above that level range, the mouth is probably closed. Sonoma Water will usually open the mouth to avoid flooding at Jenner.
- To get latest level, text 11467270 to [email protected] or send email to [email protected], with Subject: 11467270
Russian River near Guerneville (click for level or flow, can expand range of dates)
Click for projected level taking into account the rain forcast.
Click for projected level taking into account the rain forcast.
- Typically flyfishable below 1200 cfs at Guerneville Bridge.
- River closed by DFW at <300 cfs at Guerneville Bridge (Be sure to call 707-944-5533 before you fish)
- To get latest level or flow, text 11467000 to [email protected] or send email to [email protected], with Subject: 11467000
- Be sure to fill out your steelhead card before fishing!
Gualala (click for level or flow, can expand range of dates)
- Gualala is closed by DFW if South Fork is <150 cfs , (call 707-944-5533)
- Gualala fishable about <600 cfs
Garcia (click for level)
- Garcia is closed by DFW if Navarro is <200 cfs (call (707) 822-3164)
Navarro (click for flow)
- Garcia fishable below Navarro = 1000 cfs
- Navarro projected level,flow taking into account the rain forcast.
Putah Creek near Winters
Lake Berryessa Water Level (Glory Hole spills at 440 ft)
Flow data for Yuba Outings at UCD Property:
Yuba River Flow below Englebright Dam including Deer Creek
Flyfishable at if 900-1500 cfs consistently for several days and if Deer Creek <600-800. Call Tom at Reel Anglers Fly Shop in Grass Valley for current conditions and fly selection.
Yuba River Flow below Englebright Dam including Deer Creek
Flyfishable at if 900-1500 cfs consistently for several days and if Deer Creek <600-800. Call Tom at Reel Anglers Fly Shop in Grass Valley for current conditions and fly selection.
Sacramento River below Keswick Dam
- Wading access typically possible if flows <7,500cfs.
- If using a boat to access wading, <10,000 cfs.