10/26/2024 wading clinic
We held our second wading clinic at 8 am at Del Rio Woods Regional Park in Healdsburg with a total of 18 participants (men and women) including 5 mentors. The Russian River was flowing at 160 cfs which is well below the 300 cfs that would allow fishing but which was perfect for wading. We started by having mentors wader up and each of us explain our equipment (waders, boots, wading staff and fishing equipment, helpful to those who are just beginning and are yet to acquire equipment. Then we got into how to evaluate a stream for safe wading and how to safely wade with a wading staff. By then, the morning warmed up and participants were able to enter the water and practice and later practice crossing the river arm and arm with a partner. Some had waders and some did not and practiced with shorts and tennis shoes. By noon, it was time to head to Healdsburger for lunch. After lunch, some of us made a short side trip to visit the place on the Russian River where Dry Creek enters the Russian.
Oct 10, 2023 Women's Wading Safety clinic
This was a first clinic of this type when we had a half day clinic on the Russian River at Del Rio Regional Park with Women's group members Catherine, Angela, Maria, Rosa, Shawna, Pam, Jody and Linnette (and husband Glenn). Mike, Jeff and Gregg were instructors. Catherine was an active participant with us in putting this together. We covered safe wading topics along with equipment orientation, turning over rocks to find aquatic insect creatures and fishing techniques. It was a beautiful warm day on the river to get into the water and practice followed by lunch at Healdsburger and a short visit to the mouth of Dry Creek. Participants were presented with a wading safety card and a whistle.