09 December 2024 Spey clinic
The water flow after the rains was finally low enough to get out and practice casting on the river. Water flow was at 1100 cfs, and clear enough to fish.
We had a nice breakfast at the River Inn Grill in Guerneville. Shelly, Jan, Mike S, Alan, Jeff, Kevin, Mike T, Catherine, Jody, Penelope.
After breakfast, Jeff got the key from Kings and we were able to park on the beach at Johnson's and get geared up to do some casting. Later joined by Kraig at the beach. A few small fish were seen passing by, but no hits.
Mike Spurlock
We had a nice breakfast at the River Inn Grill in Guerneville. Shelly, Jan, Mike S, Alan, Jeff, Kevin, Mike T, Catherine, Jody, Penelope.
After breakfast, Jeff got the key from Kings and we were able to park on the beach at Johnson's and get geared up to do some casting. Later joined by Kraig at the beach. A few small fish were seen passing by, but no hits.
Mike Spurlock
STeelhead Day Trips Jan / feb 2024 - fishing Steelhead Green Gualala river
On Jan.30 and Feb.13, Ed Barich led Steelhead Day trips to the Gualala River. These days were picked to be just prior to big Pacific storms with steely-green flows less than 600cfs. Some small fish were caught, but bigger ones were seen rolling. Spey casting photos of Joe, Penelope, Dave and Ed were taken by James Kibler.
Spey clinic at Johnson's beach guerneville 12/9/2023
We had 12 people show up at the River Inn Grill for breakfast and then on to Johnson's Beach to wader up and do some casting. The river was running about 350 cfs and the mouth at Jenner (previously plugged up for a few days) had opened itself the prior afternoon. We had a brief discussion and demonstration and then off to casting. This time we were able to use flies rather than yarn. Jeff noted that there were several fish coming through the weir downstream of us and we all got to casting hoping they would grab a fly. Penelope did get a couple of grabs (she says??? - just kidding). It was a good day. No one hooked themselves! Later in the day, Kings reported that there were steelhead and silvers caught down river that day. Mike, Jeff, Ed, Rosa, Andy, Penelope, Dave, Malcolm, Doug, Don, Mike & Camilo, Jan