Photo Gallery - past slides & slide shows 2022 and earlier
2015 Press Democrat Article: Non-Swimmer Mentored Montgomery kids who competed for him.
From Jack's son Matt: Honoring Memory of John "Jack" Vallerga "GO FUND ME" link
December 4-5, 2021 Yuba River outing
In September 2021, Gregg Wrisley volunteered as a coach for this program, fishing the East Walker and some high elevation lakes for two days. Below are some of the people in the program - Cancer Survivor participants and buddies (fly fishing coaches). Gregg is not in the photo.
09/2021 Reel Recovery - Click to view a 5 minute video
11/08/2021 Video of Brush Creek flow over Flatrock at Santa Rosa Creek confluence.
Brush Creek is a small creek that drains the Rincon Valley watershed and beyond. This was taken the morning right after another good soaking (1 1/2" overnight). Flatrock itself is a significant, intriguing area of large flat rock structure with historical and local significance, much beloved by locals and visitors. Steelhead have been sighted above Flatrock in the Brush Creek drainage.
Karl Joost
Karl Joost
Lewiston Lake outing october 2021
July 2021 "annual" pond cleaning: 30 volunteers spent 3 hours, TWO YEARS SINCE LAST CLEANING DUE TO COVID! removed Lots of muck, rocks and sticks, 3 golf balls and about 5 goldfish.
American river shad clinic May 2021
baum, Our first outing since start of pandemic - 4/29-5/2/2021
4/26/2021 - Steelhead in the classroom season 2 - Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8
MarkRRFF helps support Steelhead in the classroom. Member Karl Joost helps coordinate our effort to provide member classroom mentors and funds for the program to supply tanks and other equipment to have teachers raise steelhead from eggs for release in local streams. The following is a weekly 15-20 minute episodes which went live for classrooms at 8 am each Monday beginning March 8:
This 8 part series follows the experience of hatching fish from tank set up to release. Each week we include:
is our theme and each week students can submit questions for the biologists or send in their ideas on how they can improve trout habitat through their everyday actions.
Click here to watch episode 1, 3/8/2021 (setting up the tank)
Click here to watch episode 2, 3/15/2021 (picking up and delivering the eggs)
Click here to watch episode 3, 3/22/2021 (eggs are wiggling, getting ready to hatch)
Click here to watch episode 4, 3/29/2021 (eggs hatched into alevin!)
Click here to watch episode 5, 4/5/2021
Click here to watch episode 6, 4/12/2021 (alevin egg sacs almost gone)
Click here to watch episode 7, 4/19/2021
Click here to watch episode 8, 4/26/2021 (release the fry to Mark West Creek)
Aquarium live stream
This 8 part series follows the experience of hatching fish from tank set up to release. Each week we include:
- Tank Time With Tom (member Tom Greer)
- On The (Russian) River With Gisell
- Ask A Biologist with Shelly, Ryan, and Derek
- An introduction and conclusion by Ethan.
is our theme and each week students can submit questions for the biologists or send in their ideas on how they can improve trout habitat through their everyday actions.
Click here to watch episode 1, 3/8/2021 (setting up the tank)
Click here to watch episode 2, 3/15/2021 (picking up and delivering the eggs)
Click here to watch episode 3, 3/22/2021 (eggs are wiggling, getting ready to hatch)
Click here to watch episode 4, 3/29/2021 (eggs hatched into alevin!)
Click here to watch episode 5, 4/5/2021
Click here to watch episode 6, 4/12/2021 (alevin egg sacs almost gone)
Click here to watch episode 7, 4/19/2021
Click here to watch episode 8, 4/26/2021 (release the fry to Mark West Creek)
Aquarium live stream
getting ready for steelhead in the classroom 2021. We are looking for 3-5 coaches for 2021. let karl joost know if you are interested: [email protected].
10/29 - Last evening casting clinic for 2020. Next clinic 11/7/2020 12 noon.
At the smokey casting pond 9/10 evening, AQI 160-300!
June/July 2020 evening float tube fishing spring lake - Barich and Baker
Photos of release of steelhead fry release on april 8 by Three second and third grade classes at Apple Blossom School in Sebastopol. Release was on Dutch Bill Creek. RRFF member Tom Greer is the coach. Teachers are Amy McLoone, Meg Scherfee and Lisa Schulman.
February 2020 Cioppino dinner, photos by Elvin Gines (about 80 photos!)
Loads of fun, 119 attended, Great Food, lots of great raffle and silent auction items.
steelhead in classroom Live video feed From Tom Greer's aquarium
4/15 9:00 Eggs picked up by CDFW rapid delivery van
4/15 11:00 Egg delivered to Tom Greer's house in Sebastopol for RRFF/RETU webinar collaboration
4/15 12:00- Eggs delivered to Andrew and Jonah's Crichton's house in Petaluma for their tank and distributed education with Jonah's teacher - Ms. Osner - Live Oak Charter School
4/15 11:00 Egg delivered to Tom Greer's house in Sebastopol for RRFF/RETU webinar collaboration
4/15 12:00- Eggs delivered to Andrew and Jonah's Crichton's house in Petaluma for their tank and distributed education with Jonah's teacher - Ms. Osner - Live Oak Charter School
RELEASE VIDEO BELOW, Skip ahead to 1:30 to skip the introduction.
RELEASE VIDEO BELOW, Skip ahead to 1:30 to skip the introduction.
Week 1, 4/17/2020 recording:
Week 2, 4/24/2020 recording, eggs hatched to alevin:
Week 3, 5/1 /2020 recording, alevin with yolk sacs:
Week 4, 5/8 /2020 recording, egg sacs gone and alevin have become swimming fry:
Redwood Empire Trout Unlimited, link contains more info including extended Friday webinar for teachers and students.
Week 8, 6/5/2020:
Week 7, 5/29/2020 recording.
Week 6, 5/22/2020 recording.
Week 5, 5/15/2020 recording.
Amy Der, the 4-6 teacher, connected with children from the entire school, who were watching the live feed on Cross and Crown's FB page.
Yuba outing January 2020
Video link to Walt landing a nice fish.
jan 16, 2020 steelhead in classroom tank prep by club member mentors, 50 tank assemblies in 3 hrs- new world's record!
January 2020 steelhead in classroom teachers training (with club mentors)
Monte rio bridge annual steelhead clinic 12/14/2019
Pebble mine Slideshow, video and photos (update 5/14):
Pebble mine overview presentation 8 minutes
"Hold the line" 4 1/2 minute 2019 pebble mine video by Alaska Sportsmans lodge
Link to some 2005 mine site photoS (original design)
Pebble youtube 5/14/2019
New york times article 5/6/2019
Ontario, Canada Fishing 6/2019
ClearLake Fishing 5/2019
October 2019 Lewiston Lake Outing
10/31, last thursday casting clinic in 2019, now on winter 1st & 3rd saturday schedule. pizza by steve.
Annual Pond Cleaning on 5/4/2019 Click Here for a video
pyramid lake april 2019, updated 5/9
Steelhead and Trout in the Classroom Feb-April 2019, updated 5/1.
Lee, Jeff, Don, Ed, Doug, Mike, Gregg teaching fly tying and knots to scouts April 2, 2019
Eagle Canyon Trophy Trout Lakes Pay to Play fishing trip March 2019
2019 Cioppino Dinner
Dec 8 2018 Steelhead Clinic at Monte Rio Bridge
December 1-2 Yuba River Trip Videos and Slide Show (thanks to Milan, Marcus, Ed)
Marcus has a trout in his net
Jeff with fish on
October 19-21 Lewiston Lake trip
Alpine Lake Trip 8/2018
6/21-24/2018 Lake Almanor Hex hatch
5/12/2018 Annual Pond cleaning
5/9 update: Trout/Steelhead in the Classroom March April May 2018 - tanks in operation, fish hatching, students learning, fish being released!!!
May 5-8, 2018 RRFF Opener at Cassel Campground - Hat Creek, Baum Lake Trout Fishing
April 22-24, 2018 Lower Sac Trip
2018 Cioppino Dinner photos by Don Shaw
Trout in Classroom training session 1/23/2018 - how to set up a classroom tank.
Wow, six Steelhead in the Classroom coaches recently helped prepared aquarium materials to accompany the 30 tanks recently purchased by RRFF! Way to go, folks, and as David Berman expressed "Tanks a lot!"
Christie Geernaert, Bill Laurie, Tim Reuling, Mark Petersen, Ken Young and Bob Pawlan are seen in this group photo with Jerry Bender (TU), David Berman (SCWA) and Dominic and Sara (SCWA assistants to David).
The workshop was at the Water Agency's Westside Water Ed. Center, near Wohler Bridge.These tanks, chillers and equipment will be used in the upcoming CAEP Teacher Training this Saturday (9 - 3) Jan. 27th at the same location and then go directly into classrooms throughout the county.
Wow, six Steelhead in the Classroom coaches recently helped prepared aquarium materials to accompany the 30 tanks recently purchased by RRFF! Way to go, folks, and as David Berman expressed "Tanks a lot!"
Christie Geernaert, Bill Laurie, Tim Reuling, Mark Petersen, Ken Young and Bob Pawlan are seen in this group photo with Jerry Bender (TU), David Berman (SCWA) and Dominic and Sara (SCWA assistants to David).
The workshop was at the Water Agency's Westside Water Ed. Center, near Wohler Bridge.These tanks, chillers and equipment will be used in the upcoming CAEP Teacher Training this Saturday (9 - 3) Jan. 27th at the same location and then go directly into classrooms throughout the county.
Annual Steelhead Clinic January 6 2018
December 2017 tour of Don Clausen Hatchery
August 2017 Alpine Lake Outing
Club outing to Lake Almanor for the Hex Hatch June 22-25, 2017
Cleaning the pond on a hot day - June 17, 2017
June Picnic at the pond (photos by Don Shaw)
May 2017 Club Opener (photos by Ed Barich, Don Shaw, Tom Greer)
April 2017 Pyramid Lake Photos
March 16, 2017 First Evening Casting Clinic
March 12, 2017 Yuba Trip
February Cioppino Dinner - slide show from Don Shaw
December 2016 Steelhead Clinic
October 2016 Lewiston Lake Outing
9/29-10/2/2016 Davis Lake Outing
9/17/2016 Russian River Cleanup
Sept 2016 Manzanita Lake Outing
August 2016 Idaho Trip
Annual July 13 club meeting picnic at the pond, special guest Floyd Dean, flycasting demo.
Ride-a-Rig photos at the pond, June 18
Club outing Manzanita Lake June 2016
email submissions to Mike Spurlock: [email protected]
Club June 2016 picnic
April-May 2016 slideshow
December 2015 - Annual Steelhead Clinic at the pond this year
Rich & Christie at Cabo 11/2015
Manzanita Lake / Digger Creek Ranch June 2015
Verona Memorial Weekend May 2015
2015 Opener at Lake Siskiyou
Photo Gallery 2000
Photo Gallery 2002